Sunday, October 19, 2008



here we are home safe and sound the fight home was long but pretty much uneventful, we did end up having to buy an additional bag to fit all our shopping into (of course)

We left Dubai at 10am and was a much simpler and quicker process through passport control, the flight was full but on time we arrived in pert about 1am by the time we made it through customs and got to the airport hotel about 2:30am joy we get 3 hours sleep! up early again and off to the airport to get home to Adelaide

Again with my duty free shopping we had yet another bag to carry but all went pretty smoothly and we made it YAY

Overall a great holiday we saw heaps but its nice to be home and sleeping in my own bed again and great to see the puppy who I think had a great holiday himself by the sounds of things


well Dubai is a city of contradictions, with traditional buildings alongside massive sky scrapers and souk markets alongside massive department shopping balls its quite strange to see.

we have discovered the best way to travel here is in taxi they are quite cheap but you can wait anything from 5 minutes to 2 hours to catch one all depends on what time you want to go or luck not really sure!

we jumped on to the hop on hop off bus tour again to finish our 24 hours and ended up at one of the big shopping centres to have a look around, all the malls are the same yet different, the good thing here is that food and drinks are much cheaper especially compared to France!

In the week in Dubai we visited the Museum which was fantastic from the outside it looks like a small building with not really much to grab you in but when inside it goes underground and is fantastic with a mini wax museum like display of the history of the UAE very good.

We wondered through all the souks the textile, gold and old souks they are amazing but you definitely need to do this early evening they come to life and it is much cooler.

We crossed the creek in an Abra (small open boat) very cheap and quite easy to jump on and off on both sides .

We had a great time jewellery shopping at the gold and diamond park we had been given advice that for serious jewellery shopping it is best to do it here not at the souk the prices are the same but it Karen and Emma will be very happy!!!
I bought some diamond earrings a bit of a splurge but they are gorgeous.

On Friday given that most everything is closed until about 4 pm so the men can pray we ventured out to jamira this is the complex featured on getaway a few months ago it has an inside souk in the middle of two big hotels and is set up with venetian type alleys to travel around on, it was beautiful if only we could have stayed there would definitely have been like living the good life.

Overall we had a great time in Dubai very different from France and I think if we went again in 2 years it will be completely different again

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well hello from Dubai yes we made it!

We arrived about 12:30am last night or this morning which would have been fine if it didn't take another 2 hours to get through customs and find a taxi to the hotel, OMG I have never seen anything quite like it, we had to circle in the air a couple of times as the pilot advised it was the peak hour and a little busy but I don't think either of us expected it to be that busy!
The trip over from Paris was funny for 6.5 hours the plane was filled with about 90% grey brigade on their way for a cruise we figure, which would have been fine but they decided to wonder up and down the aisles argue with the crew and complain their wasn't enough wine the whole way, I just put on my headphones and watched a movie!
Anyway back to the passport control when we finally reached it about 2 km away from where we got off the plane there was about 10 000 people (and no I am not exaggerating!) in about 20 queue's waiting to get through it was insane! but we made it through and arrived at the hotel somewhere around 3.30am

Today we decided to jump on an hop on hop off city tour bus and had a broad look around Dubai, the place is huge and under major construction every corner has road works or building works happening.
Palm island was beautiful and of course under construction and the shopping malls are huge!
the bus ticket last for 24 hours so we will use it again tomorrow morning and then who knows, I think we will make our way to the markets but leave that until late afternoon or early evening when it is a bit cooler.

Anyway my wine is waiting for me upstairs until we write again

See ya

More Morge

Well we had a great time in Switzerland with Louise and Bert and Louise now is using her favourite new Australian phrase "Crack the shits!" at every possible moment always good to leave a lasting impression!
Morge was beautiful and on the second night (see now I am starting to lose days think it was Thursday??) we had our own personal fireworks show which we believe was for a wedding party at the hotel just next door but we are claiming them they were spectacular, about 20 metres away from us and from the top apartment balcony sensational! no crowds just some quiet clapping and the show probably went for an hour and a half very impressive.
The only good thing about leaving Switzerland is that I get to dry out a little Louise had to twist my arm and ply me with wine!! the whole time I was there, mum behaved herself which was good I suppose.

During the day we walked around Morge and the second day we drove back into France and had a look around a small village that was hit by the war amazing that only 5 minutes away there was peace but in this town you can still see the bullets lodged in the church wall!

The train trip back to Paris was uneventful and we managed to successfully navigate our way from the country train to the metro to get to Paris airport and our hotel nearby and we managed to do it for free YAY

All in all France has been great a little expensive especially for food

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Morge Switzerland

Hi All

Well here we are now with our friends in Switzerland in the small town of Morge which is about 30 minutes from Geneva and 10 minutes from Lusanne, a lovely little town, the apartment overlooks the lake which is just stunning.
We walked into town today and wondered around for a couple of hours but have had a low key day doing lots of washing and just relaxing which has been nice.
The train trip from Nice yesterday ended up being quite a long day and it rained the whole way which was ok for us as the only day it has rained has been when we are on the train, our connection in Geneva was only 10 Min's which in hindsight we were never going to meet the train was at least 10 mins running late then we had to go through customs which wasn't very strict but still had to go through it, luckily there was a local train leaving straight away so we just jumped on and hoped for the best, no ticket or anything! Mum plonked herself down back pack and all next to a local who turns out was from Sydney go figure! the ticket conductor didn't seem too phased we only had a euro pass so all in all it was too easy!

Tuesday in Nice
We discovered there was a complete strike on all trains, trams and buses today so booked ourselves on a tour to Grasse to visit the Perfume factory Fragonard was a half day tour leaving at 1pm and was great we visited 2 medieval villages in the alps on the way which was very different from Monday Monte Carlo small cobblestone ally ways and lots of tiny shops amongst the streets and of course spectacular views. we lucked out again on the tour picking up only 2 other ladies on the way so just the four of us which was nice, the tour guy Antony was nice and left us to our own devises to wonder around. The perfume factory was very interesting and of course we had to buy some perfume for ourselves I only bought one but mum managed to talk herself into 2 as its real perfume should last for ages. I also managed to get myself my compulsory fridge magnets that i collect everywhere I go although probably the most expensive ones I have ever bought but hey when in France! they cost about $7 each!

Thanks Nat I got your message about checking on the puppy you are a very good Auntie!!!

And Deb yes I got both your messages, as long as you lot are being good without me there to keep you all in line everything will be ok, remember I know everything!!!!!! :-)

well we have another day in Morges and then back to Paris before leaving for Dubai and some nice warm weather! Don't think mum is looking forward too much to that!

I have updated some more photos for you all...enjoy

Monte Carlo and Monacco

Monday, October 6, 2008


Bonjour from Nice....

We arrived here yesterday drive was un eventful which was nice the driving is ok its the parking that is scary in France!!! we had to park underneath the hotel here the driveway down was about 90 degree angle and only as wide as the car itself so narrow we had to turn the side mirrors in otherwise we wouldn't fit! getting down was ok getting the car back out this morning was much more difficult but in the end we made it YAY we decided to take the car back early and do a tour to Monte Carlo instead safer for everyone we think!

Nice is nice and weather is perfect a little warmer to be walking around, we have done our usual thing and taken a city tour on the small train (I will post photo`s soon) and had a nice dinner last night, we have an extra day here so we are thinking of catching a bus up to Grasse to see a perfumery tomorrow we cant get the train as they are having a strike tomorrow (better tomorrow than Wednesday!)

that's about it for today will blog again soon


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Marseille and crazy driving

Hello all from Marseille....
We arrived here yesterday without too much difficulty considering this was the first part of the trip in which we drove....
Would have been less complicated if my GPS had of decided it wanted to work from the beginning of the day!! For some reason it doesn't like it here and keeps jamming so for most of the day we were just following the street signs, its pretty easy as it is all highways and very clearly marked.
We stopped in Arle for lunch and had a look around there for a few hours then headed into Marseille, the GPS decided to work about 30 mins out of the town which was a good thing as we could possibly still be driving around now to find the hotel without it!
Anyway the getting here is not the funny part of the story its the carparking that was hilarious (well as we look back now anyway) we missed the turn off to the hotel which was a good thing as about 100metres along was the sign for the car park which is underground we drove in got a ticket as you do found a park anywhere we could and went up to the hotel to check in they advised us we had to park in the hotel section which makes sense now! but we could not just move there we had to go out then come back in easy hay??? not so much! the ticket we got didn't work... no one speaks English...we got stuck at the exit..someone parked behind us so when we could get out we couldn't...mum went running around the car park to find the attendants office... park blocking us mum.... i got told to move so did..... in a nut shell we finally made it to where we where supposed to park and after all that didn't cost us anything YAY and I found mum!
So now we have to figure out how to get to NICE tomorrow but that's tomorrow I guess, we had our Bouillabaisse last night and today did a city tour this place is huge and with the ocean breeze quite cold ,I will blog again when and if we make it to NICE (I am sure we will be fine)
until then have a nice weekend.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ah Avignon - More trains,buses, trams & cars

Hello all from Avignon.....

its beautiful here and warmer which is nice. we jumped on the train from Bordeaux yesterday arriving her in Avignon mid afternoon, mum failed to amuse me by falling over again which I suppose is a good thing (depending on how you look at it! only kidding) the hotel here is nice a little bit more upper class which is nice and finally a bathroom that you can turn around in! I am all for small bathrooms but when the bathroom is no wider than your arm span (and i mean only 1 arm span) that's getting a little ridiculous I think anyway.
Avignon is nice surrounded by a wall we wondered through yesterday the main street is a little worse than Hindley street mid afternoon but lots of cops around by early evening all the ferrals have clearly gone home which made it much nicer. Again I will post more photos later.
Today we did a wine and chocolate tour to the famous wine growing area Chataneuf du pape a nice way to spend a morning, we have now picked up the hire car and after a little confusion are set to head off to Mareseille tomorrow should be interesting.... until later hope your all well